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Georgia Power is seeking permission from their regulators, our 5 elected Georgia Public Service Commissioners, to build new oil and gas powered turbines at a Georgia power plant, purchase more fossil fuel electricity from out of state, and possibly delay the planned retirements of coal-fired power plants. This blatantly ignores the urgent call from the worldwide scientific community to rapidly phase out fossil fuel use in order to prevent additional global warming and increasingly catastrophic climate impacts. The Commissioners are seeking public input as they decide whether to grant or deny Georgia Power's request. We need to let them know that Georgians are opposed to this continued dependence on expensive and harmful fossil fuels and want low-cost and reliable clean energy instead.  Numbers matter! Please make a quick written comment now and encourage your friends and family to do the same.

How to add a comment to the official record in the PSC docket.
Sample comments are at bottom of the page

1. This link will take you to the public comment page on the PSC website. After filling in your name and email, fill in the remaining blanks as indicated here.

2. Just take a few minutes to make your comment. It doesn't have to be long or perfect, just send it! It is the number of emails sent that will make the difference. You can see some sample comments that are just 3-8 sentences long below.

3. Hit the submit button, and you will immediately receive a response back with a summary of your submission.

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Please, magnify your impact by asking your friends and family to also make a comment.
And if you are free on the morning of April 11, please consider attending the Commission hearing to make a comment directly to Commissioners. It would be great if we could pack the room with speakers! Learn more here. We can provide you with help in crafting your comments.

That's it! You're done! You can go to bed tonight knowing that you did your part to help ensure a healthy climate for all of us. 

Feel free to use these sample emails to craft your personal comment. Incorporating your own climate story can greatly enhance its impact.

Sample one: Dear Commissioners, I am writing in opposition to Georgia Power's request to increase its dependency on fossil fuels to generate our electricity. Please do the right thing for Georgians and future generations. Require Georgia Power to invest heavily in clean energy instead.

Sample two: Dear Commissioners, Georgia Power’s failure to align their policies and practices with what the science shows is required to avoid catastrophic harm to people and the planet is a colossal dereliction of duty and a mounting liability risk. Please, fulfill your duty. Act to keep us safe. Exercise your authority to require Georgia Power to make heavy investments in clean renewable energy, battery storage, and demand side management. Not in additional fossil fuels that will only make the problem worse. You must act now. Later is too late.  

Sample three: Dear Commissioners, our future is literally in your hands. Please don’t allow Georgia Power to exchange one fossil fuel for another. Climate scientists say that we must rapidly move away from all fossil fuels in order to avoid climate disaster. It is unbelievable and irresponsible that Georgia Power is planning so much new investment in natural gas and oil and gas infrastructure. Instead, please require that Georgia Power invest in clean energy solutions and energy efficiency measures.

Sample four: Dear Commissioners, an important part of your mission statement is to provide safe electricity to Georgia consumers. There is nothing safe about generating that electricity using fossil fuels. That process has become an existential threat to our safety due to the undisputed impacts of greenhouse gas emissions on our planet. For this reason, we are asking you to reject Georgia Power’s updated IRP proposal and require them to instead make major investments in clean renewable energy production, battery storage, and energy efficiency programs. 

Sample six: Dear Commissioners, Georgia Power wants you to believe that they have no choice. That they must increase natural gas sourcing and infrastructure, and potentially keep coal plants running for longer, in order to keep the lights on. That is simply false. There are many choices they can make when sourcing our electricity that will keep the power on. The choices Georgia Power is presenting now may be the easiest given their current business model.  They may be the most profitable for their company. But they are definitely not the best choices for Georgia’s economy and the safety of its people. Especially the younger generations, who will be dealing with the consequences of those choices for decades.

Sample five:  Dear Commissioners, Georgia Power needs to help clean up this huge climate mess that they have helped to create. Instead, they are acting as if it is business as usual and ignoring the worldwide scientific community's urgent call to rapidly reduce fossil fuel use. You can help get Georgia Power to take the right actions in the essential time frame. Actually, you’re the only 5 people in Georgia who can. Cities and counties across Georgia are committing to reaching net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, investing money and energy to do so. But they don’t have the authority to make Georgia Power provide them with the clean electricity that is essential for reaching those goals. You do.

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